PC GURU's Business Services
PC GURU offers Networking and Cabling.
Complete Turn Key Business Solutions.
Client Machines, Servers, and Server Virtualization*.
Complete Networking Installation and Service.
Customized Business Backup and Data Handling Solutions.
PC Based Industrial Machine Control Repair and Service.
In today's competitive market, you need to maximize productivity and maintain a stable presence to your customers and PC GURU's onsite computer service helps you to do just that.
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What is server virtualization? Virtualization is a term that is often applied to a wide range of technologies. Essentially, virtualizing a technology decouples the software used in that realm from the hardware. In the area of server virtualization, this means that multiple server environments (Windows, Linux etc) can be housed on a single piece of physical hardware. In this way, two Linux servers and a Windows server running on three separate machines could be virtualized and run on a single blade server box. Server Virtualization is another way small to medium sized business can take advantagious steps in bringing there current computer environments up to date without large IT Budgets. Here are some of the leading Virtualization Providers we offer.

While a new comer in terms of virtualization, Microsoft and Windows have a great product with the Hyper-V platform in terms of virtual machine resource usage and limitations. Not only is it simple to setup and utilize but with a few days of training your current in house IT Department could be shown how to maintain and backup the virtual environment because it is a familiar operating system.

VMWare has been doing virtualization since the beginning and is the forefather of current virtualization technologies. There products give you a lot more room for control but can lack the simplicity of a Windows Operating System to ease use and training.

Sun Microsystems Virtual Box has been around quite a while and is compatible with most common Operating Systems such as, Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX. However it lacks the integration to the host OS that products like VMWare and Microsoft Hyper-V provide.
This diagram shows how Microsoft's Server 2008 with Hyper-V handles virtualization.
